Thursday, October 14, 2010

Parlo Italiano

Good news is about 80% of the tourist seem to have finally left town! Occasioanlly you can even walk on the sidewalk near the duomo!
The bad news is that is is cold and gray and all so great fruit is gone from the central market so I don't blame the tourist for leaving.
On another note today I was in my Italian classroom for fifteen minutes after class ended trying to finish my test. Finally the teacher just gave up on me and started telling me the answers. When I finally turned in my test and expressed my lack of language ability, she said it was okay, I was improving and she saw how much trouble I have had and said I was doing fine. So pretty much she thinks I am pathetic and potenitally retarded. Naturally I plan to play up this pity and hope she gives me a pity-passing grade.
To make myself feel better I went to my local veggie man who allows me to practice my Italian on him and managed to tell him exactly what veggies I wanted, what I was doing this weekend and to have a good night. So there Marta! Just because I can't pass a test doesn't mean I can't survive in Italy! Although the veggie-man doesn't really count since he has to tell me what just about every other word is and speaks perfect english but simply refrains so that I can think I am learning Italian.


  1. You know sweetie, some people get language skills, some people have a head for numbers.... you got a terrific sense of humor, a way with words, a kind heart and a beautiful face. Can't be too greedy at the talent table.

    You can impress me with you Italian skills when we arrive. I will have no idea what's going and will just smile and wave, smile and wave.

    Good luck with class.
