Thursday, January 13, 2011

Rome with Jaclyn

Making sure I left Italy with a bang, one of my best friends from college, Jaclyn, flew all the way out from Boston to visit and we went to Rome for the weekend. While I had been there before, it was nice to end my trip on such a historically significant note and take in all the cites with a old friend. Our first night we went to a pizza place close to the Forum but on a tiny side street. I warned Jaclyn that no one ate until 8:30, but due to jet lag she got hungry around 7. She was shocked when we were the only ones eating besides the restaurant staff until about 9:00. The pizza was amazing and the house wine was barely four euro a liter.

The next day (Friday) we woke up early and trekked off to the Vatican City. I had made us reservations ahead of time but when we showed up it turns out it was pretty much empty. There was no line any where and the Sistine Chapel was barely 1/4th full. It was so nice to be able to slowly wander and take everything in in silence with out a mass of people trying to look at each painting. We wandered over to St. Paul's cathedral where the choir was practicing for Christmas Mass. It was amazing being inside such a large church with the echo of choir all around us. Friday night we followed a recommendation out to some piazza and had an amazing pasta dinner. As we sat down it started pouring rain so we made our meal last as long as possible and even splurged on some Tiramisu.

Saturday we sought out the ruins, and saw the Coliseum, Pantheon, Forum, and a walking tour that lead us from the Spanish steps, through the main streets to Palatine Hill. Thanks to Rick Steve's we even found the best coffee in Rome. I am a coffee snob and even I thought it was excellent. We caught a late train back to Florence that night, only to arrive and find about two feet of snow on the ground!

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