Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Blog!

So this is officially my first blog posting and I am hoping it is not nearly as narcissistic as blogging appears.  I plan on doing this for the rest of my life while living in my parents basement so I figured why not get a portfolio/resume started. The reason for this blog, I have landed in Italy.  For the next three months I will be living in Florence, attending an art school (yet managing to take no actual art classes) and figuring out such international questions like is any restaurant that has a menu translated into English a total tourist trap? And does fruit flavored gelato actually count as my daily food pyramid requirement? And when sharing an apartment with three strangers and you forget a towel, is it considered rude to drip dry on the terrace while they eat breakfast?


  1. :-). Ok this one just made me laugh. Dry naked. ITs very Italian

  2. I agree with Lauren, dry naked posed as an Italian statue. but only if your roommates are having cereal. If they are having a hot meal, then I think it's wrong
