Sunday, September 12, 2010

    So even though I have only been here for four days I already feel that there is to much write. Things have been a mix of overwhelming, amazing, stressful, and gorgeous. To start with the amazing-Well I am in Florence for three months, kind of enough said, but I will be residing in a lovely apartment about a block from the Arno that backs up against the Uffizi museum. The apartment is big enough, but there seems to be a lot of wasted space (for badits (SP) and a glassed in spiral staircase) and the furniture is old and creaky. Our terrace overlooks the river and provides a perfect space for alfresco dining and be outdoorsy in a 'drinking wine outside' sort of way.
     The overwhelming includes the fact that I don't understand the language, the school seemed to throw a lot at us that needed to get done and not a lot of direction on how to do it and probably most of all, the whole new group of people aspect. It seems almost comical because I swear I have been through this exact thing freshman year. The whole group mentality, no one really seems to say what they think or really be themselves, everyone just travels with the pack despite the fact that a pack is the worst way to get to know someone. And naturally with my sense of humor, people just tend to look at me and are either thinking I am totally psycho or an ass clown. My roommate, Amanda, doesn't seem to be used to someone just saying the first thing that comes to their mind....silly east coasters. Luckily I have my cool roommates and our neighbors are also Saci kids so we have all been hanging out. Having Sara Abad here from my school provides a nice security blanket, though we haven't seen much of each other while we both try to get to know our roommates and make friends.
     I have walked around Florence a bunch already but mostly in the old town/city center and have not had the chance to actually go into much yet. I have had time to start sampling the Gelato, and we even made a trip to the supposedly "Florence's best Gelato", total disappointment. Orientation is finished and classes start tomorrow. Today we crossed the Arno and in true Moffitt spirit rejected the ten euro fee for the Boboli Gardens and went to a slight downtrodden but decent park nearby to read for a bit and try to get away from the city. Being right downtown and with these windy narrow streets I am already starting to feel a little suffocated and overwhelmed by people and the city and constant tourist and vespas.
Pictures to come soon of the place and some sites near me!


  1. Yay first to comment. Ok thats it. Just wanted to be the first. But you know what. I think people will start to look towards you as the natural leader soon since you dont have that follow the pack mentality. I like it.

  2. Yeah, second to comment. And thanks for the tour. Love the terrace and the view. Just get your feet under you and the rhythm and routine of the school should start to feel normal. The additional stress of foreign language, customs and town doesn't help but soon it will feel like home. Love the blog and reflections. Keep it up!!!
