Friday, September 17, 2010


So everyday I have about four near-death expierences, and they all come due to walking on the sidewalk, or really anywhere. The sidewalks are about wide enough for a person and a half to walk next to each other, so naturally most people spill over into the streets. This causes problems for multiple reasons-1. The streets are barely large enough for a compact car and I have no idea how they accommodate the delivery trucks that drive them.
2. The vespas go as fast as they can and around whatever they can, including people, cars, stands.
3.Due to the fact the streets are not big enough for delivery trucks or public buses, they use up about half the sidewalk, at least twice a day I have to press my body up against a building in order to avoid being run over. I have been hit by a sideview mirror three times.
4. When taking sharp corners, apparently there is no rule saying you need to stay on the street and not cut the corner.
5. NO ONE STOPS, ever! Not bikes or vespas or cars or trucks. You will be walking along and suddenly a car will come barreling out of a side road and just go right on through. I have seen a few stops signs, but weirdly enough they are in English, which may be why I have never ever seen someone actually stop at them.
6. Apparently it is not gay here to have two men ride on a Vespa.
7. Vespas seem to be the only way people get to work here, around eight in the morning all the businessmen in their suits and helmets are riding their vespas to work.
8. Even though bike riders ride in the road with the cars, I have not seen a single bicyclist wearing a helmet.
Dad would freak if he saw how often I almost get run over. But it is not my fault! And I am now covered by about 4 different types of insurance so I have faith that my vespa wound will be treated well.


  1. AAAHHHHHHH!!! Maybe it is sport in Italy to "nearly knock over" pedestrians. Or to brush up against young women. Be alert. Be vigilant. Look both ways TWICE before crossing. And practice the buddy system, with your buddy on the outside. You'll have to ask Steve LoRe what the proper response is (angry gesture, yelled comment in Italian) when it is a close call.

    Be safe!!!

  2. I am teaching Opa to make a comment on your blog so you have lots of followers. That's what you'll need to make money.

  3. Hi from Opa. I will post more later.

  4. Ahh! The Italian drivers are crazy! don't go out on the streets after fĂștbol games if Italy won, they are crazy and honk their horns and it was the closest to death that I have ever been!

  5. Mothers love to hear these stories... I think stick to your gelato entries. Walk carefully Sarah!!!
